Our vision

Masterflow aim to be the ultimate temperature experience, uncompromising and of premium performance.

Equal opportunity

Masterflow is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment for all employees.

Quality assurance

Masterflow aims to supply quality products Australia-wide. To fulfil this commitment, Masterflow will:

  • Strive to gain client confidence through maintaining quality and a commitment to continuous improvement in all spheres of our activities.
  • Use the quality system as a means to achieve organisational objectives.
  • Maintain effective communication with clients, stakeholders, interested parties and sub-contractors to ensure all projects are understood, agreed and managed according to client requirements.
  • Meet company standards, legal and statutory regulations and contractual obligations using a risk-based approach.
  • Develop and maintain standardized document formats, naming principles and recordkeeping processes for company and project information.
  • Ensure all data, designs, conclusions, recommendations, and advice generated by us meet the technical requirements of our clients.
  • Commit ourselves, as a corporate body and as individuals, to do it right the first time, every time.
  • Create a working environment that encourages our employees to provide high quality, accurate and defect-free work. We do not compromise on quality at any stage of the work.
  • Foster a company culture of continuous improvement through undertaking systematic reviews and seeking and responding to feedback.
  • Conduct relevant training to develop knowledge and skills.
  • Ensure that data gathered from our investigations and studies are reported in a clear and concise manner.
  • Ensure that our conclusions, recommendations and advice accurately reflect our data and findings.
  • Ensure the quality policy is understood and implemented at all levels of the organisation.
  • Regularly review the quality policy for suitability.


Masterflow is committed to minimise environmental impacts concerning the company’s activities, products and services (read in conjunction with Quality Policy), it shall:

  • Comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the company subscribes which relates to its environmental aspects.
  • To include a risk assessment of environmental issues to determine impacts in all strategies, products, services and initiatives.
  • Masterflow senior management are committed to ensure that protection of the environment is firmly embedded in both company’s and all employees culture and will endeavor to influence its suppliers and customers in a similar strategic environmental manner.
  • Prevent pollution, reduce waste and minimize the consumption of resources.
  • Consider the wider global impact of all our activities including those of our suppliers customers and other stakeholders.
  • Educate, train and motivate employees to carry out tasks in an environmentally responsible manner and ensure that a continuous professional development strategy remains core to our business goals.
  • Encourage environmental protection among suppliers and subcontractors.
  • To investigate the feasibility of influencing its suppliers, customer and third parties with consideration to life cycle impacts of their aspect and activities.
  • Encourage and enhance biodiversity and ecology.


The objectives of our Safety Policy (read in conjunction with Quality Policy) are:

  • To achieve an incident and accident free workplace.
  • To make health and safety an integral part of every Managerial and supervisory position.
  • To ensure health and safety is considered in all planning and work activities.
  • To encourage participation of our employees in the decision making processes through regular communication, consultation and training.
  • To provide a continuous program of education and learning to ensure that our employees work in the safest possible manner.
  • To identify and control all potential hazards in the workplace through hazard identification and risk analysis and where applicable undertake health surveillance.
  • To ensure all potential accident/incidents are controlled and prevented.
  • To provide effective injury management and rehabilitation for all employees.
  • Providing relevant, up-to-date WHS information to all workers on matters such as workplace safety and their responsibilities.
  • Providing expert assistance in WHS matters where necessary.
  • Providing instruction and/or training in work processes where appropriate.
  • Developing and implementing strategies which include workplace assessment, hazard identification, and appropriate remedial action to eliminate or control hazards.
  • Implementing and maintaining appropriate information, reporting and statistical systems.

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